Last Updated: 9 August 2024

  1. Company Information Developer: Appyfier Company Name: Habitfinity Country: India

  2. Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected].

  3. Data Collection Types of Personal Information Collected:

  4. Methods of Data Collection:

  5. Data Usage

How We Use Collected Data:

  1. Data Sharing with Third Parties: We do not share user data with third parties except as required by law or to provide our services.
  2. Data Storage and Protection: User data is stored securely on our servers using industry-standard encryption and security measures.
  3. Data Retention: We retain collected data for as long as necessary to provide our services or as required by law.
  4. User Rights Access, Update, or Delete Personal Information: Users can access, update, or delete their personal information by contacting us at [email protected].
  5. Withdraw Consent or Opt-Out of Data Collection: Users can withdraw consent or opt-out of data collection by contacting us at [email protected].
  6. Third-Party Services Used: We may use third-party analytics services to collect and analyze usage data.
    1. Integration with Third-Party Platforms: We integrate with third-party platforms such as Google and Apple for login and other features.
  7. Changes to the Privacy Policy Notification of Changes: We will notify users of changes to the privacy policy by posting the updated policy on our website and app. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policy periodically for any updates.
  8. Legal Requirements Compliance with Legal Requirements: We comply with all applicable legal requirements, including GDPR and CCPA.